
    Bullshit 2008 ?

    About This Video
    Hilarious video from The Onion.Honestly discusses the fact that bullshit is the main issue in all political campaigns.

    Funny, Just Fun?

    Oo No no friends. All have meaning when we give meaning to, even bullshit, that is prove it! that message I grasp.

    I respect to your and my leaders.
    It's my great tool to introspection, seeing others as me, vice versa.

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    Jan 16, 2008, 5:22:00 PM

    Mampir nih, Pak Alvin.
    Wah, Pak Alvin ini memang Pengamat Politik Luar Negeri ya.
    Banyak ngumpulin video politik nih.

    Salam Dahsyat!