
    Outstanding Master Blogging

    At Richard Tan Blog

    I remember what Tony Robbins taught, that contribution is a rare in this world so most highly honored, Tung Desem Waringin taught it is added values istead of standard, while Fabian Lim value and differentiate. There are about connection/love, growth and contribution, the six human needs. Stephen Mc covey emphasized on Live, Love, Learn, Legacy. Yes it is what Richard Tan applied:

    "No one really cares if you have millions for just yourself. If you give to the world your time and money, your net worth will be measured by your legacy."

    Thanks, you demonstrate the example how we give the world our time and money, indeed success resources. I follow Outstanding Master.

    I got the points and its connections, not from more or less effort to make money but believe in my self I make more money. I will show you and Mr. Tung the money sooner. Why? because I believe in my self to make more money and I deserve it. How can? I will and I got my feeling I can, passion to take action. I am stepping up now. Thanks.

    Thanks to Mind Master, Stephen, you give the lesson.

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