
    President Obama's Message for America's Students

    We are what we learn

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    Brad Sugars Billionaire in Training Jakarta-November 26th 2009!! REGISTER NOW!!

    as writen in youtube:

    Dear Entrepreneur and Future Entrepreneur Friends,
    A great Business Leader and The World No.1 Business Coach, Bradley J Sugars, will visit Indonesia in November 26th 2009.
    He will come to help Indonesia makes more billionaires among our best growth in Asia and help you to get out of rough spots in doing your business.
    So... REGISTER NOW for Being a Billionaire and Success Entrepreneur...???

    Brad Sugars Billionaire in Training Jakarta
    November 26th 2009.

    Call 021-37136265 or 085715320001 (Gilman Pradana)

    or join : Brad Sugars Billionaire in Traning fan page at www.facebook.com

    be there among 5,000 successful people!!!

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    Van Halen-Dreams (Blue Angels)

    "Dreams" is a song by Van Halen released in 1986 from the album 5150. It was the second single from that album, and it reached #22 in the Billboard Hot 100 chart that year. "Dreams" also appeared on the soundtrack to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie almost 10 years later, which introduced Van Halen to a new generation of potential fans.

    Highy respected both to Real Warriors, my fortune knowing best friend Pak Boyke and Yuza, His Son

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